
Welcome to Discipleship Training!  

So what is a disciple and why do I need to be trained in this?  As a believer is to a Christian, so is a student to a Disciple.  
This training is designed to rewire your brain and transform your heart as you learn to grow in your relational connection with God.  This is what Jesus did with His twelve.
At this heart level, your awareness of His presence is boosted, your pain is healed, and your confidence builds up as you press in to know Him.  Each level and exercise has been strategically designed to train you to be a lifelong student of Jesus!  

The curriculum used is GHL (Growing Healthy Lives) Discipleship Training by Dr Billy Doray.

Level One: Strengthening

Duration: 3 Weeks

- Power of the gospel for the sinner
- Strengthening of your Spiritual Identity
- Invigorating your prayer life
- Exercise your authority to demolish strongholds and overcome sin

Level two: healing

Duration: 6 Weeks

- Power of the gospel for the sinned against
- Deepening your being towards emotional and relational health
- Learning to forgive without feeling ripped off as you experience healing

Level THree: Activating

Duration: 6 Weeks

- Empowering you to bear fruit in all you do through a Kingdom of God mindset
- Baptism of the Spirit and activation of your spiritual gifts
- Equipping you with God’s mission and purpose

The Schedule: 2024

9/14 Saturday   8:00 - 5:30
9/15 - 10/6 Sundays   1:00 - 4:00
4/7- 5/19 Sundays   1:00 - 4:00